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What are the differences between a full-door and glass wine cellar?

Categories : About wine

Wine cellars can be fitted with solid doors like the RESERVE185 or glass doors like the MILLESIME240D, and these two options present significant differences in terms of aesthetics, functionality and performance. Here are the main differences between a full-door wine cellar and a glass-door wine cellar:

Aesthetics: A wine cellar with a solid door offers a more sober, discreet appearance. The solid door can be made of metal or wood, and can blend harmoniously with other elements in your living space. On the other hand, a wine cellar with a glass door can showcase bottles and create a visually appealing presentation. The glass door lets you see inside the cellar and admire your wine collection.

Visibility: With a full-door wine cellar, it's not possible to see inside without opening the door, as with our RESERVE300XL. This can be seen as an advantage for those who prefer to keep their wine collection out of sight, or for those who wish to maintain constant darkness inside the cellar. On the other hand, a glass-door wine cellar offers direct visibility of the cellar interior, making it easy to see the bottles and choose the one you want.

Protection against light: A wine cellar with a solid door offers better protection against light, especially UV rays. UV light can alter wine compounds and affect its quality. The solid door therefore limits the wine's exposure to light, contributing to better preservation. On the other hand, a wine cellar with a glass door allows greater exposure to light, and it is therefore advisable to use anti-UV treated glass to minimize this effect. All our wine cellars are equipped with UV protection, like our CPW204B1.

Thermal insulation: Solid doors generally offer better thermal insulation than glass doors. They help maintain a stable temperature inside the cellar, which is essential for optimal wine preservation. Glass doors, on the other hand, can allow greater heat or cold loss, requiring additional insulation to compensate for this effect.

Presentation and visual impact: A wine cellar with a glass door offers a more visually appealing presentation. It allows you to showcase bottles, add a touch of sophistication and create a visual impact in your space. Glass doors can also be used to display a collection of precious wines or to facilitate visual consultation of your inventory.

Ultimately, the choice between a solid door wine cellar and a glass door wine cellar depends on your personal preferences, the aesthetic impact you wish to create and the practicalities of light protection and thermal insulation. Whether you opt for the discreet sobriety of a solid door or the aesthetic impact of a glass door, the most important thing is to ensure that your wine cellar perfectly meets your needs and tastes, while preserving the quality and value of your precious wine collection.

Tags: wine cellar Solid door Glass door Aesthetics UV protection Thermal insulation Wine collection Visual presentation

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